

We were recently asked why we believe that an annuity can help with your retirement strategy. Three reasons come readily to mind.  The first reason is that they can be used as asset protection. Fixed annuities, for example, are safer for your money than volatile investment options. The second reason is the possibility of a

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Sometimes there is value in knowing. Social Security was never meant to cover all your expenses in retirement, and, unless you work in the public sector, pensions are rare. Knowing there’s another payment coming in like clockwork every month, or that your savings have some protection from a volatile market, can ease possible worries about

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A Bridge

We’ve spoken in the past about the financial benefits of delaying the claiming of Social Security benefits. However, what happens if retirees decide to leave their jobs before reaching age 70 and need to “bridge the gap” of income until they do start to claim their Social Security benefits?  Most people would be better off

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